While some people may receive adequate treatment in outpatient settings, people with more severe or long-term instances of addiction might need inpatient or residential treatment. However, not all long-term rehab programs are the same, and a person struggling with drug or alcohol addiction may not know what the ideal residential treatment program looks like. This can sometimes deter people from getting help because they don’t want to wait, and they may then simply decide not to pursue treatment anymore. As noted by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, addiction treatment is more likely to be pursued if it is readily available when an individual is ready to seek it.

During residential treatment, it’s helpful to get the individual’s family or partner involved in therapy. This can encourage family members to support the person’s new skills and behaviors after treatment is over. The decision to attend inpatient rehab is highly personal and may be best made after evaluation and guidance from a doctor or other treatment professional.

Importance of Aftercare

They can assess your loved one’s situation and consider what they need to maintain sobriety. Like treatment for other chronic diseases such as heart disease or asthma, addiction treatment is not a cure, but a way of managing the condition. Treatment enables people to counteract addiction’s disruptive effects on their brain and behavior and regain control of their lives. Kaiser Permanente primary care physicians are trained to screen for possible alcohol misuse at every appointment and connect members who need support to addiction medicine specialists. While Red Dust runs a number of programs across remote NT, over the past five years, they have been facilitating an addiction recovery program for local Aboriginal men. When Kell got out on bail in 2018 to attend a treatment program at the Ottawa Booth Centre, he organized for a bed to be available for Daniels, who was keen to do the same.

Continuing care and support help people identify any underlying issues that may have contributed to their addiction. They might get into trouble picking up bad habits again if they don’t get help addressing these underlying issues after rehab. In addition, someone who relapses may undergo the treatment process multiple times. Some individuals report significant improvement over just a few months, whereas others with severe addictions may take longer.

Inpatient Rehab Therapies & Treatments

Gone are the days of Nancy Reagan’s 1980s “Just Say No” campaign, which assumed that people were making a choice to use drugs, despite the negative consequences, and that people could simply choose to stop, Moran said. Overall, these considerations are meant to help place individuals in the most appropriate level of care that will set them up to succeed in accomplishing the overall goals for treatment. I felt both less anxiety and less pain because I knew relief was available if needed. I had one moment when I felt as though my body was in perfect ease and a vague memory of loving this experience earlier. However, it wasn’t overwhelming or seductive, let alone worth risking the life I have now. A life worth living — in which you feel deeply connected to others, have the tools you need to manage distress and have a strong sense of purpose — is the best defense against addiction.

Whether or not you need inpatient treatment depends upon several factors, and the appropriate type of care for one person may be different than another. So it shouldn’t come as a surprise that the answer to “how long is treatment,” is that it differs from person to person. While in treatment, it is best to focus on the goal of recovery — not the time it takes to get out. For those living with a substance use disorder, seeking treatment can be an intimidating experience. Many wonder what their friends and family will think, how much it will cost them, or what the length of their treatment stay will be. Because every person has their own unique story that will require their own unique approach, there is no one-size-fits-all formula for treatment.


Withdrawal from different categories of drugs — such as depressants, stimulants or opioids — produces different side effects and requires different approaches. Detox may involve gradually reducing the dose of the drug or temporarily substituting other substances, such as methadone, buprenorphine, or a combination of buprenorphine and naloxone. When choosing an online therapy provider, we recommend that you read the company’s privacy guidelines before you sign up to better understand whether it is HIPAA-compliant and whether it shares any private information with third parties.

drug addiction recovery programs

Again, different states have different requirements and offerings when it comes to drug and alcohol treatment centers funded through state and local governments. Therefore, it’s a good idea to locate the specific state agency that manages these programs and find out how to qualify in that particular state. The Directory of Single State Agencies (SSAs) for Substance Abuse Services provided by SAMHSA provides contact information for these agencies in each state. A main consideration when planning treatment is how much access to medical professionals an individual needs, especially during a medically monitored detox process, and what outside medical professionals are currently administering treatment. An outpatient program may be recommended for those who, for example, cannot break away from the day-to-day responsibilities of a job or have a strong support group at home.

How Long Does Outpatient Rehab Last?

The cost of residential rehab and inpatient rehab will vary based on your location, the particular services offered at your rehab facility, your insurance coverage or method of payment, and various other factors. To discover whether your health insurance may cover the full or partial cost of treatment at any drug addiction recovery American Addiction Centers facility, enter your information in our form below. The various treatment programs available across the country reflect the diverse nature of substance use disorders. When setting out on your treatment journey, it’s important to begin the process with realistic expectations.

“What we’re trying to really capture is a snapshot of what real life is like,” he said, explaining that on top of regular addictions recovery treatment, the program will work to connect participants with health services, employment and housing. While some treatment programs work by isolating participants from the outside world, Kell plans for his program to work differently. Now, Andric said her organization is partnering with other local groups to establish a new system of care that supports people battling addiction at every stage of recovery. That includes the creation of mobile crisis units that can respond to people who need the immediate help of a knowledgeable and understanding person. Another vital step is ensuring that treatment facilities are actually using evidence-based practices and hiring people who specialize in psychiatry and addiction.

Comprehensive Therapy

If people stop following their medical treatment plan, they are likely to relapse. While most programs incorporate some forms of group therapy, specific gains are often made in individual therapy. Although we cannot tell you the perfect time or way to leave a spouse suffering from a substance use disorder, speaking with a trained mental health professional, such as a therapist, might offer you more insight. Yet, to an outsider, it may appear confusing as to why someone would stay in a relationship with a person who struggles with addiction. However, codependency is nuanced, and every couple needs to address their struggles with codependency and substance use disorders in their own way. Because addiction treatment can potentially be life saving, there are many solutions to the above problems.

Because he is a member of a support group that stresses the importance of anonymity at the public level, he does not use his photograph or his real name on this website. 7 in 10 adults who ever had a substance use problem considered themselves to be recovering or in recovery. Your therapist or licensed counselor can help you locate a self-help support group.

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